The StrawBerry Widow | Part 2

Black Top, Lolla Strawberry, Vagninho

The StrawBerry Widow | Part 244 minutes Soon after Detective Vag Sterling follows the Widow Lolla Strawberry and sees her meeting with the Musician Black Licious, he decides to pay a little visit to her lover. Black Licious denies any kind of romantic or sexual involvement with the Widow, only professional when they sang together […]


The StrawBerry Widow | Part 1

Black Top, Lolla Strawberry, Vagninho

The StrawBerry Widow | Part 144 minutes Mrs. Strawberry became the widow of a tycoon three times her age. She says she’s totally devastated to have lost the “Love of her Life”! However, detective Vag Sterling can’t swallow this version of the Widow Lolla Strawberry. He begins to investigate the case. The blonde and horny […]

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário // MEET

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário

Alice Lemes, Dodo Pitbul, Joseph Crusher

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário32 minutos Todos temos nossos demônios, nossos medos, nosso Bicho Papão interior. Mas, existe um Bicho Papão que mora atrás do armário e só vem atacar as Esposas, quando saímos para trabalhar. Se você chegar repentinamente, ele se assusta e corre para trás do armário ou debaixo da cama. É […]