Agatha and Chris #5

Agatha Mama, Black Top, Cuckold's wife

Agatha and Chris #543 minutes Dude, think of a hot little wife! Did you? Now multiply 10, 100, 1000x… And we have one of the hottest wives ever to appear on Cuckold’s Wife in the Arena. Agatha, Hot Wife Alert! Blondie arrived ready for the crime, with a dress beyond”INDECENT”, she left the entire Staff […]


Eva and Pedro #4

Black Top, Cuckold's wife, Eva Perez

Eva and Perez #431 minutes In this episode of Cuckold’s Wife in the Arena, we bring you Eva Perez. Eva is already an actress, but even though Pedro knows what her partner does for a living, he has never seen her live in action. Being from the slums, Pedro doesn’t like to associate his wife […]


No Battery

Jully Souza

No Battery29 minutes Activate Naughty Subtitles “CC” NOTE: For a better experience, turn ON the naughty subtitles on the “CC” button in the player above. Jully Souza is a very horny woman. Also with a body to make any woman envious, this filly needs to come several times a day. So, if the Husband can’t […]


Laurinha and Nunes #2

Akillies Black, Cuckold's wife, Laurinha

Laurinha and Nunes #246 minutes Second episode of Cuckold’s Wife in the Arena and our show is already a hit on the internet. More than 300 signatures in a single month, to watch the Whore Wife of others and see Corninho humiliated at national level? A Tramp is a beautiful, nymphet-style wife, super hot! I […]


Vivi and Caio #1

Akillies Black, Cuckold's wife, Vivi Campos

Vivi and Caio #145 minutes First picture: Wife of a Cuckold in the Arenawith Vivi and Caio. And isn’t it true that Corninho was”MANSOUS”! He watched and even supported the Slutty Little Spouse, holding her hand while our Spartan Akillies Black shoved his THRONE up her ass. Our sincere thanks to Caio Corninho for giving […]


DR in the office

Beto, Eva Perez, German

DR in the office42 minutes Every DR is stressful, and there’s nothing more annoying than discussing the relationship. When things reach a level that goes from disturbing silence and a single word is enough to be the spark that can unleash a fury of words in the discussion… It’s time to go to Dr. Roberto […]


Happiness Trio

Gabi Oliveira, Kiara Hot, Thiago Oliveira

Happiness Trio51 minutes What’s the saying again? One is too little, Two is good, Three is too much? Only if it’s TOO GOOD! lol In this menage, the pawnbroker had a great time with two wonderful brunettes: Gabi Oliveira e Kiara Hot. Before the Trio went into battle, the 2 Tesudas did a pre-warm-up that […]


Babysitter also takes Tetê

Japa Loki, Julia Carioca, Natasha Fiore

Babysitter also takes Tetê35 minutes A baby in a couple’s life is a blessing, but it does trigger some issues in the couple’s intimacy. Japa, for example, doesn’t have sex anymore, his wife doesn’t even think about sex, all she wants to do is rest, sleep. Finally, Japa convinces his wife to share the baby-sitting […]

A Purificação da Coelhinha Capa // MEET

A Purificação da Coelhinha

Akillies Black, Julia Carioca, Natasha Fiore

A Purificação da Coelhinha52 minutos Faz meses que a Natasha e a Fernanda não se encontram… Desde que a Fernanda virou Beata e começou a frequentar o culto, a amizade das duas esfriou um pouco. Pois, a Natasha sempre na vida Loka e a Fernanda fica tentando convencê-la a ir para Igreja. Então, no feriado […]

Baixou o Fantasma do Ex // MEET

Baixou O Fantasma do Ex e Me Comeu

Luara Sonza, Richard Castro

Baixou O Fantasma do Ex e Me Comeu45 minutos Você sabia que um “NUDE” pode matar? Ainda mais se for um videozinho safado da sua Esposa Gostosa indo tomar banho, e você o recebe enquanto dirige! E foi exatamente o que aconteceu com o Betinho ao receber um vídeo da sua esposa gostosa, Luara Sonza. […]

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário // MEET

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário

Alice Lemes, Dodo Pitbul, Joseph Crusher

O Bicho Papão atrás do Armário32 minutos Todos temos nossos demônios, nossos medos, nosso Bicho Papão interior. Mas, existe um Bicho Papão que mora atrás do armário e só vem atacar as Esposas, quando saímos para trabalhar. Se você chegar repentinamente, ele se assusta e corre para trás do armário ou debaixo da cama. É […]